The Music Mom: Eileen Carey

Summer Sounds: These 10 Tunes Capture All the Fun and Wonder of Summer

From ABBA to Weezer, these timeless tunes will have you singing along and dancing like nobody’s watching (they’re not – are they?). So, grab your shades, crank the volume way up, and let’s dive into the ultimate summer jams.

Hot, hot hits: 10 stellar songs to kick off summer

It’s here! Finally. To celebrate the highly anticipated arrival of summer, I thought it’d be fun to share 10 of my absolute favorite summer songs. I hope they bring you as much joy as they do me.

Heavenly Summer 7: A List of 7 Perfect Songs for Summer

I’ve compiled a list of 7 songs that I feel best capture the feel-good vibes of summer. Check out these tunes that I hope will warm your heart as much as the suddenly present summer sun.