Music Mom Spotlight: Laura Brino Heals, Grows, and Soars on Inspiring Cactus Moon Album

Every now and then, I discover a fellow music mom whose music and story are equally captivating. Recently, I was thrilled to find Laura Brino, a powerhouse indie folk-pop songstress whose new album Cactus Moon offers memorable melodies that tell a vivid narrative of her life’s trials and triumphs. 

This collection of tunes is steeped in the essence of what Laura coins as #mompop, a genre that blends the rich, complex tales of womanhood and motherhood with catchy pop nuances. Here’s how Laura describes Cactus Moon:

“This album captures my own personal journey over the last five years; beginning as inspired and thought-provoking, then taking a deep dive into some heavy subjects and experiences. It ends feeling very empowered. It’s wild to be able to see how spot-on my own emotional rollercoaster is portrayed in this album.”

On that note, I am thrilled to shine a spotlight on Laura, her inspiring story, and her soul-stirring new album.

The Resonance of Resilience: Understanding the Stories Behind Cactus Moon

Laura’s path to creating Cactus Moon is evidence of her strength. The album emerged from a period marked by personal turmoil, including the traumatic birth of her daughter, grappling with PTSD, a loss to suicide, and the solitude brought on by a global crisis. In these moments of profound darkness, Laura found solace and light in music. Crafting this album became her sanctuary, a place to transform her pain into something beautiful. Something healing. Something we all can relate to. Listen to her soon-to-be hit single “Tether” and you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.

Cactus Moon thus embodies a spectrum of deep emotions, from love and loss to recovery and rebirth, all while championing the new #mompop genre that elevates the voices and stories of mature women and mothers.

Intimacy in Innovation: The Creative Process

What strikes me most about Laura’s approach to Cactus Moon is her intimate method of music production. By choosing to record beside her sleeping children with nothing more than her iPhone and headphones, Laura blurred the lines between her roles as an artist and a mother. This tender proximity to her children not only influenced the technical aspects of her music but also deepened the emotional gravitas of each song. The result is a collection that resonates with the authenticity and tenderness of motherhood itself.

Harmonies of Healing and Discovery

At its core, Cactus Moon explores the deep seas of personal relationships and self-discovery. Tracks like “Without Me” and “Foreign Bodies” reflect on past loves and the complex evolution of relationships over time. Laura’s lyrics bridge the gap between personal experience and universal truths, offering listeners a powerful means of catharsis and connection through her exploration of love, the aging process, and the complicated process of reshaping identity.

Collaborative Chords: A Family Affair

The creation of Cactus Moon was a family affair, featuring contributions from Laura’s stepdaughter, husband, nieces, and daughter. This collaborative endeavor not only enriched the musical composition but also deepened familial bonds, emphasizing that art can be a collective healing process. The involvement of her family underscores the album’s theme of connection and support through shared creative expression.

A Symphony of Emotions: Empowerment Meets Introspection

Navigating through a wide range of emotions, Cactus Moon balances empowering anthems with introspective ballads, musically mirroring the ebb and flow of life’s journey. Laura’s ability to articulate the complexities of emotional landscapes provides a musical refuge for those facing similar challenges, making her songs a comforting companion along the path of personal exploration and resilience. I must admit: More than a few times I felt chills while listening to Laura pour her heart out. Prepare to be moved. 

Motherhood and Music: Making an Enticing Rhythm All Its Own

Motherhood has profoundly transformed Laura as an artist, infusing her music with new perspectives and depth. This evolution speaks to me and likely to many other mothers, highlighting how our identities are continually reshaped by our experiences and our children. Laura’s journey encourages us to embrace these changes, finding new ways to express and understand ourselves through our creative outputs.

Cactus Moon: Echoing Hope and Unity

Looking ahead, Laura hopes that Cactus Moon will resonate as a source of comfort and joy, providing a space where listeners feel understood and less alone. Her ongoing projects and dedication to expanding the visual aspects of her music promise exciting developments for her audience.

Laura’s Cactus Moon is not just an album; it’s a shared experience worth immersing yourself in. A harmonious blend of vulnerability and strength, the album is a testament to the enduring power of music to heal, unite, and inspire. 

As a music-making mom myself, I feel deeply connected to Laura Brino, her story, and her message. To me, she is the epitome of a passionate and devoted music mom—and I am honored to sing her praises.

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